Activating Tax-Inclusive Pricing in Empress


Welcome to this user-friendly guide on how to configure Tax-Inclusive Pricing in Empress. As a business user, you’ll find this feature highly useful for simplifying your pricing strategy and enhancing the customer experience.

Introduction to Tax-Inclusive Pricing

From a business perspective, Tax-Inclusive Pricing is a pricing method in which the sales tax is already included in the total price of an item. This means that when a customer sees a product priced at $100, they will only pay $100, regardless of the tax rate. The tax component is already factored into this upfront price, simplifying the checkout process for your customers. This feature in Empress automates this process, saving you time and reducing potential errors.

Configuring Tax-Inclusive Pricing in Empress

Step 1: Navigating to the ‘Sales Taxes and Charges’ Section

Start by signing into your Empress account. From your dashboard, look for the Sales Taxes and Charges section. This dashboard provides a comprehensive view of all your tax elements, allowing you to view and manage them easily.

Step 2: Expanding the Desired Tax Row

Once you’ve opened the ‘Sales Taxes and Charges’ section, you’ll see a list of your taxes. Find the specific tax you want to include in your product pricing and expand its row by clicking on it. This will reveal additional settings and options related to that tax.

Step 3: Activating Tax-Inclusive Pricing

In the expanded settings, there’s an option labeled “Is this Tax included in Basic Rate?”. Click on the checkbox next to this option to activate tax-inclusive pricing for the selected tax.

Once you’ve completed these steps, Empress will automatically adjust the tax calculations for the chosen tax, factoring it into your product prices. This means your business can now offer tax-inclusive prices to your customers, enhancing their shopping experience by presenting a flat, simple price upfront.


By enabling Tax-Inclusive Pricing, you’re not only simplifying your pricing strategy but also streamlining your financial processes. Empress handles all the tax calculations, reducing the complexity of your operations and ensuring accuracy.

Remember to consult with a tax professional when making changes related to tax settings. Compliance with local tax laws and regulations is crucial for your business. For more information or support, please head over to the Empress Support Center or reach out to our dedicated support team. Happy selling!