Applying Naming Series to Sales Invoices in Empress


Welcome to this guide where we will guide you through the process of applying a Naming Series to your Sales Invoices in Empress, based on your Sales Order IDs. This feature is immensely useful for maintaining consistency and enabling easy tracking of related documents in your business.

Introduction to the Naming Series for Sales Invoices

In the day-to-day operations of your business, you may have noticed the need to link related documents for better tracking and organization. Empress allows you to do this effortlessly with a feature that enables the application of a Naming Series to your Sales Invoice, reflecting the corresponding Sales Order ID.

For instance, if you have a Sales Order with the ID ‘SO-12345’, you can set the corresponding Sales Invoice ID as ‘M-12345’. This creates a clear connection between the two related documents, making it easier to manage and track them.

Applying the Naming Series

To apply the Naming Series, a certain code snippet needs to be used. This code is designed to replace the ‘M’ prefix in the Sales Order ID with ‘M-’, resulting in the desired Sales Invoice ID.

Please note that this script should be executed exactly as it appears, to maintain precise functionality.

Understanding the Process

The application of this Naming Series takes place when the “Sales Invoice” form is refreshed. The script first retrieves the Sales Order ID from the first item in the Sales Invoice, and then modifies the prefix to get the desired ID for the Sales Invoice.

If the form is not new and the Sales Order ID exists and is different from the current name of the document, the script calls a method that renames the document. The Sales Order ID becomes the new name for the Sales Invoice, without merging the old and new documents.

Benefits for Your Business

By implementing this feature in your Empress environment, you will be able to create a seamless link between your Sales Orders and Sales Invoices. This not only enhances your document management processes but also simplifies tracking and makes your operations more efficient.


Remember, Empress is designed to simplify and streamline your business operations. Leveraging the capabilities offered by Empress, such as the Naming Series for Sales Invoices, can significantly enhance your business processes.

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