Are there user groups or meetups for Empress users to network and share best practices?

Empress User Groups and Community Events

At Empress, we believe in fostering a strong community among our users. We encourage the formation of user groups and actively support meetups. These events provide a platform for networking and exchanging best practices. Our goal is not just to host a variety of events, but also to empower our community to organize their own.

Our community-driven approach extends to our events schedule, which includes both official and community-led events. Whether you’re interested in attending a meetup, tuning into a webinar, participating in a workshop, or joining other Empress-themed events, you’ll find it all conveniently compiled on our community calendar.

The community calendar acts as a comprehensive resource for all Empress events. It’s your go-to place to stay informed and make sure you don’t miss out on any opportunities to connect with fellow Empress enthusiasts. We strongly encourage all users to check the calendar regularly for upcoming events and opportunities to engage with the community.

Join us, learn, network, and most importantly, have fun with the Empress community. We look forward to seeing you at our next event!