Automating Date Calculations with Empress Script Feature


Welcome to this simple, user-friendly guide, designed to help you understand how to automatically update a date field based on the value in another date field in Empress. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that need to streamline their project management process and increase efficiency.

Understanding the Scenario

Imagine you’re managing a project where the ‘Delivery Date’ has already been established. You also have a ‘Production Due Date’ field in your project’s form. Now, you want to make sure that the ‘Production Due Date’ is always set to be two days before the ‘Delivery Date’. Instead of manually calculating and entering this date each time, wouldn’t it be more efficient if Empress could do this for you? The good news is - it can!

The Empress Script Solution

Empress provides an incredibly useful script feature that can perform this task automatically. Here’s a sample script you can use:

cur_frm.cscript.custom_delivery_date = function(doc, cdt, cd){
cur_frm.set_value("production_due_date", frappe.datetime.add_days(doc.delivery_date, -2));

This script tells Empress to automatically set the ‘Production Due Date’ two days prior to whatever date is inputted into the ‘Delivery Date’ field. The great part is, once this script is implemented, the ‘Production Due Date’ will automatically update each time the ‘Delivery Date’ changes, saving you both time and effort.

Important: Make sure not to modify the script and ensure that the field names used in the script match exactly with those in your Empress form. This is crucial for the functionality of the script.

The Benefits of Auto-Setting Dates

By using this Empress script, you can:

  • Automate parts of your workflow, saving valuable time
  • Reduce the potential for human error in manual date calculations
  • Ensure the production always begins two days before delivery

In summary, this feature not only simplifies your project management but also enhances your operational efficiency by automating date calculations.

For further assistance or more information on how to leverage the powerful features of Empress, please refer to our other user-friendly guides and resources. Happy scheduling!