Boost Empress E-commerce Experience with RediSearch Feature


Welcome to this comprehensive guide designed to help you transform your Empress E-commerce experience with RediSearch. This feature, when enabled, gives your search functionality a big boost. It allows for quicker searches, autocomplete features, results ranking, fuzzy-word searching, and customizable field indexing.

Understanding RediSearch

RediSearch is a powerful search engine that enhances the functionality of your E-commerce Module in Empress. It provides a faster, more efficient search experience, making it easier for you to find what you’re looking for. It’s designed to integrate seamlessly with your Empress setup, and can be customized to suit your specific business needs.

Getting Ready for Installation

Before you begin installing RediSearch, you should ensure you have:

  • Empress Framework and Empress Setup installed
  • Redis version 6 or higher

How to Install RediSearch

To install RediSearch, follow these easy steps:

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  2. Clone the RediSearch repository using this command: $ git clone --recursive
  3. Navigate to the cloned directory: $ cd RediSearch
  4. Setup the build environment: $ sudo make setup (If you’re using macOS, remove sudo)
  5. Build the project: $ make build

After these steps, you should find a binary file in the RediSearch/build directory. Move this binary file to the /etc directory using the following command: sudo mv build/ /etc/

Next, you will need to open the redis_cache.conf file located in the config directory inside the bench directory. Add this line loadmodule /etc/ before the save "" line. Then, restart the bench server.

To verify if the module was loaded successfully, run the following command in the redis-cli: > MODULE LIST. The word search should appear in the list of modules.

You can also load the module on a running redis instance with the following command in the redis-cli: > MODULE LOAD /etc/

Important: The module can be placed in any directory in your file system. We chose the /etc directory as future loadmodule lines will be automatically populated in the config file, assuming the binary is in the /etc directory.

Ensure that your installation was successful and that Redis is functioning as expected. Your E-Commerce module in Empress should now have a significantly improved search performance, offering a better user experience.


By enabling RediSearch, you can supercharge your E-commerce module in Empress. This feature can improve your search functionality, making it easier for you to find what you’re looking for. It’s designed to be easy to install and use, and can be customized to suit your specific business needs. Enjoy a smoother, faster, and more efficient Empress experience with RediSearch!