Boosting Online Visibility with Empress Website Route Meta


Welcome to the guide on how to use the Website Route Meta feature in Empress. This guide is designed with our business users in mind, providing a clear, jargon-free, and practical guide on how to add meta tags to your web pages.

Introduction to Website Route Meta

In the world of web pages, meta tags are invisible elements that carry important information about your page. These tags communicate with both your website visitors and search engines, helping to shape your online presence. By using meta tags effectively, you can boost your website’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO), improving your page rankings on popular search engines.

The Website Route Meta feature in Empress allows you to add arbitrary meta tags to your web pages, enhancing your site’s SEO.

To access this feature, follow this path on your Empress dashboard:

Home > Website > Web Site > Website Route Meta

How to Add Meta Tags to a Web Page

Take advantage of the Website Route Meta feature by following these steps:

  1. Open the Website Route Meta List: Navigate to this list and select ‘New’.

  2. Input the Route: Type in the route without a preceding slash (/). Make sure the corresponding web page already exists.

  3. Create Key-Value Pairs for Each Meta Tag: For example, if you want to add keywords to your web page, type “keywords” in the Key field and input your chosen keywords (separated by commas) in the Value field.

  4. Save Your Changes: Click ‘Save’ to apply your changes.

After saving, you can check the source code of your web page to see the added meta tags.

Note: Adding meta tags is not limited to web pages. You can add these tags to any route that corresponds to a web page in Empress, such as a blog post. Just ensure you know the route, which can be found in the Blog Post form.


The Website Route Meta feature is a powerful tool in Empress that can significantly enhance your business’s online visibility. By adding meta tags to your web pages, you can improve your SEO and boost your page rankings on search engines. This user-friendly feature is easily accessible via your Empress dashboard, enabling you to make changes quickly and efficiently.

For more assistance, please refer to our other non-technical guides or approach our support team for help.