Calculating Serialized Item Valuation Rate in Empress


Welcome to this guide on how to calculate the valuation rate for serialized items using Empress, a powerful tool for managing your business inventory and financial records.


In Empress, the valuation rate is an essential feature that allows you to determine the current value of an item in your stock. This valuation rate is updated whenever you create the following transactions:

  • Purchase Receipt
  • Material Receipt type Stock Entry
  • Stock Reconciliation for updating the opening balance of the stock

It’s important to note that Empress supports two valuation methods: FIFO (First In, First Out) and Moving Average. The choice of valuation method can be set either for individual items or globally for all items via Stock Settings.

However, for serialized items (items with unique identification codes), these general valuation settings are ignored. Instead, the valuation rate is updated from the first incoming stock entry rate. The rate then changes according to other transactions performed on this item.

Practical Applications

Let’s take a practical example. Consider a serialized item like “Macbook Pro”. Its valuation rate doesn’t come from the Item Master in Empress. Instead, it’s updated from the first incoming stock entry rate. For instance, if the first rate is RS 199.80, this would be the initial valuation rate. Then, as you transact with this item, the valuation rate changes accordingly.

Business users can view these changes in the Item Master and the Stock Ledger within Empress. By regularly tracking these changes, you can maintain accurate financial records and make informed business decisions.

User Roles and Permissions

Remember, the valuation method you choose will directly influence the calculation of an item’s value. Always ensure that this aligns with your business strategy and accounting practices.

For serialized items, it’s crucial to record all transactions accurately to ensure the correct valuation rate is reflected in your records. This responsibility typically falls under roles like Inventory Manager, Accountant, or anyone involved with stock management and financial recording.


Understanding and managing stock valuation rates in Empress is critical for maintaining accurate financial records and making strategic business decisions. Especially for serialized items, keeping track of the first incoming stock entry rate and subsequent transactional changes is essential.

For further assistance and comprehensive understanding of handling stocks in Empress, refer to the Empress Stocks module in the system’s documentation. This resource will provide you with detailed instructions and insights on how to effectively manage your inventory.