Configuring Price Variance in Sales Transactions Using Empress


Welcome to this user-friendly, business-centric guide where we will learn how to Configure Price Variance in Sales Transactions using Empress. This feature is essential for businesses to maintain flexibility and accuracy in their sales process.

Why is this Feature Important?

In a dynamic business environment, the rate of items in your sales invoice may sometimes vary from the price declared in the sales order. This could be due to a variety of reasons like market fluctuations, discounts, or special promotions. Empress allows you to handle such variations effectively, keeping your sales process smooth and accurate.

How to Use this Feature?

Step 1: Navigate to Selling Settings

Firstly, go to your Selling Settings. Here, look for a checkbox labelled Maintain Same Rate Throughout Sales Cycle. If you wish to allow different rates for the same items across various sales transactions (like Sales Order, Delivery Note, Sales Invoice, etc.), make sure this box is unchecked.

Step 2: Set the Over Billing Allowance

Next, move to your Accounts Settings. Here, you’ll find an option called Over Billing Allowance (%). This setting allows you to set a permitted price variance (as a percentage) between the Sales Order and the Sales Invoice. This ensures flexibility in your billing process, while still maintaining control over the price variation.

By following these steps, you can easily adjust the prices of items in your sales transactions.

Roles and Permissions

Ensure that the changes you make align with your company’s pricing policies and strategies. Remember, as a user, you have the responsibility to maintain accurate and fair pricing.

Key Takeaways

Empress is designed to adapt to your business needs, offering customizable settings to optimize your operations. Using this feature, you can maintain smoother, more efficient management of your sales transactions, thereby enhancing your business processes.

For further assistance or more information, feel free to reach out to our support team or visit our resource center. Happy Empress-ing!