Creating and Customizing Academic Programs in Empress


Welcome to the Empress guide on managing Programs. In Empress, a Program is a structured educational pathway defined by your institution. It consists of a series of related courses tailored to achieve specific learning outcomes. For instance, a Program could be an “Economics Major,” including various economics-related courses.

Accessing Program List

To view existing Programs in Empress, follow this path:

Home > Education > Masters > Program


Before creating a new Program, ensure that the following components are set up:

  1. Department - This refers to the academic department that oversees the Program.
  2. Course - These are the individual subjects or units that make up the Program.

Creating a New Program

To create a new Program:

  1. Navigate to the Program list and click on New.
  2. Enter the Program Name and the Program Abbreviation.
  3. Select the Department associated with the Program.
  4. Choose and add the courses that belong to the Program.
  5. Click “Save” to store your new Program.

You can also start creating a new Program directly from a specific course.

Customizing Your Program

Empress allows you to customize your Program with various options:

  • Portal Settings: These settings control how the Program appears on your portal.
    • Is Published: Check this box to display the Program on your portal.
    • Allow Self Enroll: Enable this to allow students to enroll themselves in the Program through the portal.
    • Is Featured: Check this box to highlight the Program on your portal.
    • Intro Video: Add a link to an introduction video for the Program.
    • Description: Provide a description of the Program for potential students to view on the portal.

Unfortunately, we don’t currently have a video guide for this subject. Please refer to this guide for detailed instructions on creating and managing Programs in Empress. This guide is updated regularly to ensure its accuracy and usability.

We hope this guide assists you in effectively using the Program feature in Empress. It’s an invaluable tool for organizing and managing academic content, helping to streamline the educational journey for your students. If you require further assistance, please refer to our additional resources and support.