Creating and Customizing POS Profiles in Empress


When it comes to retail operations, an efficient Point of Sale (POS) system is essential. Thankfully, Empress has a feature specifically designed to streamline your day-to-day operations: the POS profile. This feature integrates inventory management, CRM, financials, and warehousing in one place, reducing the risk of errors from manual data re-entry.

How to Access Your POS Profile List

To access your list of POS profiles, follow these steps:

  1. Click Home on the main menu.
  2. Select Retail, then Retail Operations.
  3. From the drop-down list, choose Point-of-Sale Profile.

Creating a New POS Profile

When you’re ready to create a new POS profile, follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to the Point-of-Sale Profile section and click New.
  2. Give your profile a name.
  3. Choose a Naming Series for your profile.
  4. Pick a Write Off Account and Write Off Cost Center for your transactions.
  5. Set up your preferred payment modes. If none are chosen, cash will be the default. Only the modes you set here will be available in POS. After you’ve added payment modes, select one as the default by ticking the corresponding checkbox.
  6. Set the default amounts for your chosen payment methods (we recommend setting this to 0).
  7. Click Save.

Adding Additional Options to Your POS Profile

In addition to the basic setup, you can also add extra options to your POS profile. These include:

  • Customer: Sell specific products to specific customers by adding item and customer groups to your POS profile.
  • Warehouse: Choose a warehouse for your stock quantities to be affected by POS transactions.
  • Campaign: Link a sales campaign to track total sales.
  • Company Address: Select an address if your POS counter is set up at a company branch.
  • Update Stock: Enable this option to affect stock quantities when transactions are performed.
  • Ignore Pricing Rule: Ignore any active pricing rules for your POS profile.
  • Allow Delete: Enable this option to allow users to delete Sales Invoices in the Draft stage.
  • Allow user to edit Rate: Permit users to edit the rate of items added in transactions.
  • Allow user to edit Discount: Allow users to edit the discount of items added in transactions.
  • Allow Print Before Pay: Permit users to print an invoice before payment is made.
  • Display Items In Stock: Show the remaining quantity of items from the selected warehouse to the POS user.

POS Profile Features

User Applicability

By default, all Sales Users have access to the POS profiles you create. If you want only certain users to access certain profiles, you can add them to the table. If at least one user is set in the POS profile, other users will not be able to use it for retail transactions.

To set a POS profile as default for a user, tick the Default checkbox in the table. The selected POS profile will then be set as default the next time the user logs in.

Item Group and Customer Group Settings

You can set an item group or customer group in a POS profile. This group will be automatically selected when making transactions with the POS profile.

Print Settings

Choose a print format for your POS Sales Invoice. You can print the invoice on your company’s letterhead and change the heading (e.g., to ‘Invoice’ or ‘Bill’).


Set a price list to store item prices. Setting a price list will fetch item prices for the current POS profile from that list. Set the default currency, taxes, and charges, and choose whether the discount applies to the Grand Total or the Net Total.

Set a Tax Category to apply the associated Tax Rules to each transaction performed from this POS profile.

Accounting Dimensions

Use Accounting Dimensions to tag transactions based on a specific territory, branch, customer, etc. This allows you to view accounting statements separately based on your chosen criteria.

In conclusion, the POS Profile feature in Empress offers a comprehensive tool for managing retail operations. By integrating multiple processes in one place, it reduces errors and streamlines operations, making it a valuable asset for any business. For further assistance, please refer to our support resources.