Creating and Deploying Your Private Empress Cloud Bench


Welcome to the Empress Cloud Bench guide. This guide is designed to help you understand how to create and deploy your own private Empress Cloud Bench. This feature is a powerful tool that allows you to manage your Empress applications from a single, convenient location.

What is an Empress Cloud Bench?

In Empress, a Bench is a virtual workspace where you can set up and manage your Empress applications. With your own private Empress Cloud Bench, you can have more control over your applications, including their configurations and deployments.

Creating a New Empress Cloud Bench

To create your new Empress Cloud Bench, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Process: Go to your Empress Cloud dashboard. Click on the + New button and select Bench from the dropdown menu.

  2. Configure Your Bench: Give your Bench a unique name to make it easy to identify. Choose the Empress version you want to use, and select your preferred region for deployment. You can also choose the apps you want to install on your Bench.

  3. Create Your Bench: After setting up your Bench configurations, click on the Create Bench button. This will create your Bench and take you to its dashboard page.

Deploying Your Empress Cloud Bench

Your Bench isn’t automatically deployed after it’s created. You’ll need to manually initiate the deployment. To do this:

  1. Click on the Show Updates button in the alert box on your Bench’s dashboard page.

  2. Click on Deploy.

Tracking the Deployment Status

You can track the status of your deployment from the Deploys tab on your Bench’s dashboard page. Once the deployment is complete, your Empress Cloud Bench is ready to use!


With your own Empress Cloud Bench, you can manage your Empress applications more effectively and efficiently. You have control over your apps’ configurations, and you can track deployments all from one place. This feature is a powerful asset for any business using Empress. For further assistance, please refer to our user-friendly resources or contact our support team.