Creating and Managing Academic Terms with Empress



Academic Terms in Empress are designated periods within an Academic Year. These periods could be quarters, semesters, or trimesters, based on the structure of your educational institution. They serve as the timeline for evaluating student performance against a specific curriculum in a given period. Efficient management of Academic Terms can streamline your institution’s operations, improve the tracking of student progress, and enhance the overall delivery of education.

Getting Started: Accessing the Academic Term Form

To start managing your Academic Terms, you should first access the Academic Term form. You can do this by navigating through:

Home > Education > Settings > Academic Term

With this form, you can create, view, and manage all your academic terms for the current Academic Year.

Making an Academic Term

Once you are in the Academic Term form, you can set the start and end dates for each term in line with your academic schedule. If you specify an Academic Term in the Education Settings, Empress will automatically use it as the default term across all relevant forms. However, you have the freedom to modify this as per your requirements.

Where Does the Academic Term Come Into Play?

The Academic Term is a key element in numerous forms that you will encounter while managing your educational institution’s operations. Here are some of the forms where the Academic Term is relevant:

  1. Student Log: Monitors the academic activities and performance of each student during a specific term.
  2. Student Group: Facilitates the formation of student groups for a specific term.
  3. Student Applicant: Handles student applications for a specific term.
  4. Student Admission: Manages the admission processes for a designated term.
  5. Program Enrollment: Keeps track of the programs students are registered for in a given term.
  6. Assessment Plan: Lays out the evaluation strategy for the term.
  7. Assessment Result: Documents the outcomes of assessments for a term.
  8. Assessment Criteria: Sets the standards for assessments during a term.
  9. Fees: Manages the fee structure for a term.
  10. Fee Schedule: Plans the timeline for fee payments during a term.
  11. Fee Structure: Offers a comprehensive view of the fees for a term.
  12. Fee Category: Allows for the classification of fees within a term.
  13. Course Schedule: Provides the schedule for courses during a term.

In Conclusion

Effectively managing your Academic Terms in Empress can streamline your operations, making it easier to track student progress, manage fee structures, and schedule courses. By leveraging this feature, you can enhance the quality of education provided by your institution.

For more information or assistance, feel free to explore our range of user-friendly resources or reach out to our dedicated support team. We are here to help you make the most of Empress for your business needs.