Creating and Managing Chapters for Structured Learning


Welcome to the Empress guide on creating and managing chapters in your online course. Empress’s Learning Management System (LMS) offers a range of powerful features designed to help you deliver an optimal learning experience for your users. One such feature is the Chapter creation tool.

What is a Chapter in Empress?

In the Empress LMS, a Chapter sits as the second layer in the organizational hierarchy, serving as a means to categorize related lessons under a common theme or topic. By grouping lessons into chapters, you can provide a structured, intuitive learning path for your users, making their learning journey more enjoyable and effective.

How to Create a New Chapter

Creating a new chapter in the Empress LMS is a straightforward process. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Begin by navigating to the Course Outline page in your Empress LMS. This is where you can view the structure of your course and make edits as needed.

  2. Look for the Add Chapter button on the Course Outline page. Clicking this will open a dialog box where you’ll be asked to input your chapter’s details.

  3. Fill in the required information in the dialog box:

    • Chapter Name: This is where you give your chapter a title. It should clearly and accurately represent the lessons it will contain.

    • Short Description: Here, you provide a brief, one-line description of your chapter. This gives users a quick overview of what they can expect from the lessons within the chapter.

  4. Once you’ve filled in the details, click the Save button to finalize your new chapter.

And that’s it! You’ve successfully created a new chapter in your course.

The Importance of Chapters in Empress

Creating and managing chapters in Empress is a simple yet powerful way to organize your course content. By grouping related lessons together, you make it easier for users to navigate through the course and understand the material. In addition, chapters provide a clear learning path, helping users stay engaged and motivated.

For additional help or information, refer to Empress’s support resources or contact our support team. We’re here to help you make the most of Empress and deliver the best possible learning experiences for your users.