Creating and Managing Email Campaigns with Empress


Email Campaigns in Empress are a valuable tool for any business. They allow you to send a series of coordinated emails to contacts or leads according to a specific schedule. This can be a powerful way to engage with your customers, keep them up-to-date, and introduce your products and services in a systematic manner. In this guide, we’ll guide you through how to set up an Email Campaign in Empress, step by step.


Before you can launch an Email Campaign, make sure you have the following requirements ready:

  • A predefined Campaign
  • A Lead, Contact, or Email Group to target with your campaign

How to Create an Email Campaign

Setting up an Email Campaign in Empress is straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Home > CRM > Campaign > Email Campaign
  2. Click on ‘New’ to start a new Email Campaign.
  3. Choose the Campaign you wish to set up an Email Campaign for.
  4. Set the ‘Start Date’ for your Email Campaign.
  5. In ‘Email Campaign For’, choose whether you’re creating the Email Campaign for a Lead, a Contact, or an Email Group.
  6. In ‘Recipient’, select the Lead, Contact, or Email Group that will receive the Email Campaign.
  7. In ‘Sender’, choose the user who will be sending the emails.
  8. Save your changes.

The “Send After (days)” field in the Campaign section specifies the day the email will be sent, based on the ‘Start Date’ of the Email Campaign. The ‘End Date’ is calculated using this field. For example, if you set the ‘Start Date’ as ‘22-07-2029’ and the Campaign Schedule to end on day 4, the ‘End Date’ would be ‘26-07-2019’.

Creating Multiple Email Campaigns for a Single Campaign

You can also create multiple Email Campaigns for different Leads or Contacts for the same Campaign. Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to the Campaign you want to create Email Campaigns for.
  2. Click on the ‘+’ next to Email Campaigns to start a new Email Campaign for this Campaign.

Key Features

Linked Communication

Every email sent to your leads or contacts will be linked to the Email Campaign document. This means you can easily view all sent emails in one place.

Unsubscribe Option

Your leads or contacts can choose to opt out of the Email Campaign at any time. They can do this through the unsubscribe link included in each email. Once they unsubscribe, the status of the Email Campaign document will change to ‘Unsubscribed’.

Customizable Email Template

The Email Template can include fields from your Lead or Contact document. To add these fields to your Email Template, use doc.fieldname. The sent emails will include these custom fields.

Status Indicator

The status of your Email Campaign helps you keep track of its progress. The possible statuses are:

  • Scheduled: The Email Campaign is set to start at a future date.
  • In Progress: The Email Campaign is currently running.
  • Completed: The Email Campaign has ended.
  • Unsubscribed: The Lead or Contact has chosen to opt out of the Campaign.

We hope this guide helps you understand how to create and manage Email Campaigns in Empress. These campaigns are a great way to boost your customer engagement and keep your leads and contacts informed about your business. For further assistance, please refer to additional resources or reach out to our support team.