Creating and Managing Fee Categories in Empress


In the world of business, financial management is key. One component of this in Empress is the Fee Category feature. This allows you to group different types of fees together, making them easier to manage and track. For instance, you might have a Fee Category for ‘Tuition Fees’ and another for ‘Hostel Fees’.

Each Fee Category is a separate entity, allowing you to manage and track various fees in a clear, organized manner.

How to Access the Fee Category Feature

Accessing the Fee Category feature is simple, just follow these steps:

  1. Begin at the Home page.
  2. Click on the Education option.
  3. Find and select the Fees option.
  4. Here, you’ll find the Fee Category option.

Creating a New Fee Category

Setting up a new Fee Category is a straightforward process. Here’s how:

  1. Once you’re in the Fee Category module, look for the New button and click it.
  2. Now, you’ll need to input the Name and Description of your new Fee Category. The Name is what you’ll call the Fee Category (e.g., ‘Tuition Fees’), and the Description is a brief summary of the category.

You can create as many Fee Categories as your business needs. This way, you can keep your fee structure well organized and easy to understand.

The Fee Categories you create can be used to generate a detailed Fee Structure, making it easy for all parties to understand and manage payments.


The Fee Category feature on Empress offers an efficient and user-friendly way to manage and track different types of fees. Its clear interface and easy-to-follow steps make financial management simpler and more organized, allowing you to focus on the more important aspects of your business.

For additional help or resources, please visit our support page or contact us directly. We’re always here to assist you!