Creating and Managing Item Variants Using Item Attributes


Welcome to this special guide dedicated to Item Attributes in the Empress software. This feature plays a vital role in creating and managing your item variants, which are key to your business operations. But first, let’s get a grasp of what exactly are Item Attributes.

What are Item Attributes?

In the simplest of terms, Item Attributes are characteristics that distinguish one item from another. These could be based on the item’s physical appearance or its unique features. By setting up a set of item attributes, you can quickly and easily create item variants. These variants are essentially unique combinations of various attributes.

Accessing Item Attribute List

To start working with the Item Attributes feature, you need to first access the Item Attribute list. This can be done by following this pathway:

Home > Stock > Settings > Item Attribute

Creating an Item Attribute

Creating a new item attribute is quite straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Go to the Item Attribute list page and select ‘Add Item Attribute’.
  2. Enter a unique name for your new attribute.
  3. In the next section, you’ll see a table where you can enter attribute values.
  4. Once you’re done, remember to save your changes.

Remember that your attribute values can be either numeric or non-numeric.

Dealing with Non-Numeric Attributes

If your attribute isn’t numeric (for example, color or material), all you need to do is specify the attribute values and corresponding abbreviations in the Attribute Values table.

Handling Numeric Attributes

If your attribute is numeric (like weight or length), you’ll need to specify the range and increment. This helps the system to automatically generate the appropriate variants. For instance, if you’re defining the attribute ‘cable length’ with a range from 1 to 5 and an increment of 1, the system will generate variants as 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.


By effectively using the Item Attributes feature, you can streamline the process of creating and managing item variants in Empress. This can lead to more efficient business operations, saving you time and effort. For further assistance, feel free to explore our other resources or reach out to our support team.