Creating and Organizing Topics in Empress for Efficient Learning


Welcome to your guide on utilising the Topics feature in Empress. The Topics feature is a key tool to organise your company’s learning content in a structured and efficient way. It helps you to divide your courses into smaller, easy-to-digest chunks, enhancing the learning experience for your team.

What is a Topic in Empress?

Think of a Topic as a chapter in a book. Just as a book is divided into chapters, a course in Empress can be divided into multiple Topics. Each Topic contains relevant content to that specific subject. For example, within the course ‘Customer Service Excellence,’ you might have a Topic named ‘Handling Difficult Customers.’ The content within a Topic can take various forms, including articles, videos, or quizzes, offering flexible and diverse learning opportunities.

Accessing Topics

To view the list of available Topics, simply navigate to:

Home > Education > Masters > Topic

Preparing to Create a New Topic

Before you dive into creating a new Topic in Empress, it’s beneficial to have the following content ready:

  1. Articles - written content that provides valuable information about the Topic.
  2. Videos - visual aids that offer a more interactive approach to learning.
  3. Quizzes - assessment tools to gauge understanding and retention of the Topic’s content.

These are the main types of content that can be included in a Topic, offering a rounded learning experience.

Creating a New Topic

Creating a new Topic in Empress is a breeze. Just follow these steps:

  1. Click on ‘New Topic’ and give your Topic a title.
  2. (Optional) If it’s relevant, link the Topic to its parent course.
  3. Choose the Content Type for the Topic. This can be an Article, Video, or Quiz.
  4. Select the Content for the Topic. You can create a new Article, Video, or Quiz at this stage.
  5. (Optional) Add a description to give more context about the Topic and click ‘Save.’

By following these steps, you can effectively organise your courses into manageable sections, enhancing the learning experience for your team. Each Topic can provide focused material, allowing your team members to engage with the content more deeply and effectively.

Remember, the Topics feature is designed to streamline your business learning processes, making it easier for your team to access, understand, and apply the knowledge. For any additional support, don’t hesitate to reach out to Empress’ user-friendly customer service. Happy learning!