Creating and Publishing Organized Courses in Empress


Welcome to your Empress Learning Management System! This guide will guide you on how to create and publish courses in Empress. As a business user, you’ll find that Empress is a valuable tool for disseminating information and training within your organization.

Course Structure in Empress

At its core, Empress uses a simple, hierarchical structure for its courses. Each course you create will be organized into chapters, and these chapters are then populated with lessons. The lessons are where you’ll put the main content of your course. Chapters help you group similar lessons together, making your course easy to navigate for your learners.

Creating a Course

To start creating a course, you’ll first need to log into your Empress workspace and head to the portal. Once there, you’ll find yourself on the Course List page.

If you’re new to Empress, you won’t see any courses listed yet. Don’t worry, it’s simple to get started. Just click on the Create a Course button. You’ll be redirected to a form where you can input the details of your new course.

Here’s what you’ll need to fill out:

  • Title: This is the name of your course. Make it something clear and engaging.
  • Short Introduction: A brief overview of your course. This gives potential learners a snapshot of what they can expect.
  • Description: Here, you can provide a more detailed explanation of your course. This should help your learners understand what they’ll be covering in the course.
  • Preview Video Link: If you have a preview video, you can link it here. This gives your learners a sneak peek of the course.
  • Tag: You can add tags here. Tags can help your learners decide if this course is right for them.
  • Image: You can upload an image that represents your course. It adds a visual element that makes your course stand out.
  • Publish: You’ll need to publish your course to make it visible to your learners. Only Course Moderators can control this setting.
  • Upcoming: If your course isn’t ready yet, but will be soon, you can mark it as Upcoming. Note that upcoming courses still need to be published to be visible. Only Moderators can control this setting.

Once you’ve filled out all the necessary details, just click save, and your course is ready to go!

Creating a Paid Course

Empress also allows you to create paid courses. If you want to charge a fee for enrolling in a course, simply enable the Paid Course checkbox while creating the course. You’ll then be prompted to input the amount and currency for the course. Once you’ve done this and saved the course, learners will need to pay the specified amount to enroll.

Note: If you choose to create paid courses, make sure your payment account details are correctly configured in the LMS Settings.

In Conclusion

Creating and publishing courses on Empress is a breeze. This feature allows you to easily create courses, organize them into chapters and lessons, and even charge for your courses if you’d like. With Empress, you’ll have a robust and user-friendly platform for your learning management needs. For more information on how to get the most out of Empress, check out our other resources or contact our support team. Happy teaching!