Creating and Transferring Sites to Empress Sub-Teams


Welcome to this comprehensive guide designed to guide you through the process of creating and transferring sites to sub-teams using Empress. This feature is crucial for businesses that need to manage multiple teams and projects simultaneously. It allows you to seamlessly delegate tasks, manage resources, and keep track of different operations under a unified platform.

Feature Name: Creating a New Child Team

Empress offers a feature to create sub-teams or child teams under your main or parent team. This feature is highly beneficial for large businesses managing multiple projects, as it allows for better organization and delegation of tasks.

  1. To create a new child team, start by navigating to the Team Section.
  2. Click on Manage.
  3. Select Add Child team.

Once created, the child team operates independently but under the umbrella of the parent team. The child team is free to create and manage their sites or projects. All usage and billing information associated with these sites will be tracked under the parent team’s account, simplifying administrative tasks.

How to Invite Members to a Child Team

Inviting members to a child team is a straightforward process.

  1. Follow the initial steps of creating a new child team.
  2. Once you’ve successfully created a child team, you can invite members to join the team by entering their email addresses.

Feature Name: Transferring a Site to a Child Team

In Empress, transferring sites from a parent team to a child team is a simple process. This feature allows business leaders or project managers to delegate responsibilities to subordinates or sub-teams easily.

  1. To transfer a site, first open the dashboard of the site you wish to transfer.
  2. Click on Actions.
  3. Select Transfer Site.
  4. Enter the email ID associated with the child team to which you wish to transfer the site.

Remember, before initiating the site transfer process, ensure that the child team is active and already added as a child team.


Empress’ ability to create child teams and transfer sites enhances the way businesses operate by providing a clear organizational structure for managing multiple teams and projects. It simplifies administrative tasks such as billing and usage tracking and aids in the delegation of tasks. This guide aimed to provide a user-friendly guide on how to utilize this feature effectively. For additional support or resources, please visit the Empress support page or reach out to our dedicated customer service team.