Creating and Utilizing Journal Entry Templates in Empress


Welcome to this Empress guide. Today, we will be exploring the Journal Entry Template feature, a handy tool designed to streamline your accounting process by allowing you to create and utilize pre-configured templates for your Journal Entries.

Introduction: What is a Journal Entry Template?

In the realm of business, time is money. Empress acknowledges this by offering the Journal Entry Template feature. This tool lets you create a reusable template with a pre-selected set of accounts and options for your Journal Entries. This means less time spent on manual input and greater consistency across your entries.

How to Access the Journal Entry Template Feature

You can access the Journal Entry Template feature by following this path on your Empress dashboard:

Home > Accounting > General Ledger > Journal Entry Template

Now, let’s dive in and learn how to create and utilize a Journal Entry Template!

Creating a New Journal Entry Template

Creating a new Journal Entry Template is a simple, straightforward process. Remember, these templates are customizable to fit your specific business needs. With that in mind, let’s walk through the steps:

  1. Navigate to the Journal Entry Template List and select ‘New’.
  2. Fill in the following fields:
    • Template Title: This title will help you identify the template when creating a Journal Entry.
    • Company: The company selected in Global Defaults will appear here automatically, but feel free to change it as needed.
    • Entry Type: You can choose from a list of entry types. The default is Journal Entry, but you can select ‘Opening Entry’, ‘Bank Entry’, or ‘Cash Entry’ to load specific account types into the ‘Accounting Entries’ table.
    • Is Opening: If you select ‘Opening Entry’ as the entry type, this will automatically be set to ‘Yes’.
    • Series: Choose from a list of naming series for your Journal Entry.
    • Accounting Entries: Select the accounts you want to include in the entry from the list.
  3. Once you’ve filled in all the details, save your template.

Using Your Journal Entry Template

To use your newly created Journal Entry Template, navigate to Journal Entry and select ‘New’. In the ‘From Template’ field, choose your template. This will load the pre-selected accounts and options into the ‘Accounting Entries’ table. Note that this will clear the table, but you can add more accounts as needed.

Conclusion: Enhancing Your Business with Journal Entry Templates

By using Journal Entry Templates, you can significantly streamline your accounting process. This tool not only saves time by reducing manual input but also ensures greater accuracy and consistency across your journal entries. It’s just one of the many user-friendly features offered by Empress to enhance your business operations.

For more information or support, please refer to our non-technical resources or contact our support team. Happy managing!