Creating and Utilizing Quality Goals in Empress


At the heart of any successful business lies a commitment to quality. Quality metrics serve as crucial benchmarks that guide your operations, helping you define and achieve your performance objectives. In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a Quality Goal in Empress, a feature that lets you set multiple quality targets for your business.

A Quality Goal in Empress is a set of specific objectives. Each objective can either have a numeric target or a completion status (yes or no) as its measure. Progress towards these objectives is tracked according to a frequency that you set.

When you establish this frequency, Empress automatically generates a Quality Review document at regular intervals. This allows you to monitor real-time performance measures effectively.

Accessing the Quality Goal List

To access the Quality Goal list in Empress, follow this path:

Home > Quality > Quality Goal

How to Create a Quality Goal

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a Quality Goal:

  1. Start by clicking on New from the Quality Goal list.
  2. Enter a unique name for your goal.
  3. Select a Quality Procedure. This will outline the steps needed to reach your goal.
  4. The Created By field should reflect the person accountable for this Quality Goal.
  5. Choose a Monitoring Frequency from ‘Daily’, ‘Weekly’, ‘Monthly’, or ‘Quarterly’. If your goal doesn’t require monitoring, choose ‘None’.
  6. In the Objectives table, you’ll need to specify:
    • The Objectives that must be achieved to reach the Quality Goal.
    • The Target—this is a numeric value that your Objective should reach.
    • The Unit of Measurement to quantify the Target. This could be Leads, Hours, and so on.
  7. Finally, click Save.

The Revision field will show you the number of times the document has been updated.


By setting clear, measurable Quality Goals, you empower your business to consistently meet and exceed performance standards. This proactive approach to quality management can significantly enhance your business operations and boost customer satisfaction.

For more information and assistance, refer to the Empress documentation or reach out to our support team.