Creating Efficient Fee Structures with Empress Software


In any educational institution, managing students’ fees can be a significant task. That’s where the Fee Structure feature in Empress comes into play. This feature allows you to create a comprehensive structure for student fees, making it easier to generate, track, and manage fee records.

Accessing the Fee Structure Feature

To begin using the Fee Structure feature, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Empress home page.
  2. Click on the Education tab.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select Fees.
  4. Click on Fee Structure.

Prepping for Fee Structure Creation

Before you can create a Fee Structure, there are a few prerequisites that need to be in place:

  1. Academic Term: This refers to the specific period of academic instruction (e.g., Fall Semester 2022).
  2. Academic Year: This is the full academic year during which the term occurs (e.g., 2022-2023).
  3. Program: This is the academic program for which the fees will be applied (e.g., Bachelor of Arts in History).
  4. Student Category: This is the category of student, which may affect fee amounts (e.g., international students, local students).

Creating Your Fee Structure

Once the prerequisites are in place, you can create a new Fee Structure:

  1. Navigate to the Fee Structure list and click on New.
  2. Select and add the Program and any other relevant details for the fee structure.
  3. In the Components Table, enter the Fees Category (e.g., tuition, lab fees) and the corresponding Amount.
  4. Click on Save and then Submit.

Additional Options in Fee Structure Creation

While creating a Fee Structure, you can:

  • Enter basic details like Student Category, Academic Term, and Academic Year.
  • Add a Description for each Fees Category in the Components Table.

Enhancing Fee Management with Accounting Integration

The Fee Structure feature also integrates with your Empress accounting system. When a student pays their fees, your accounts get updated automatically.

To enable this, specify the following details:

  • Receivable Account: This is the account where student fee payments will be deposited.
  • Income Account: This is the account that will track the income from the fees.
  • Company: This is the company or institution receiving the payments.

In addition, you can set the Cost Center for your institution, which can help track costs related to fee collection.

What Happens After Submitting the Fee Structure?

Once you’ve submitted your Fee Structure, you’re ready to generate the Fee Schedule. This step-by-step process allows you to create individual fee records for each student, based on the structure you’ve set up.

With the Fee Structure feature, you’ll find that managing student fees in Empress is streamlined and efficient. Whether you need to set up a simple or complex fee structure, Empress has the tools to make the process easier and more effective. For more information, check out our additional resources or reach out to our supportive customer service team.