Creating Engaging Content with Empress Interactive Quizzes


Engaging your team or customers with interactive content is a proven method to boost engagement, information retention, and overall interactivity. With Empress Interactive Quizzes, you can easily create interactive quizzes that can be used for training, customer engagement, or internal team building.

Understanding Interactive Quizzes

An interactive quiz is a tool that allows you to put questions to your audience, be it your team or your customers, in a fun and engaging way. They are perfect for checking understanding of concepts, refreshing knowledge, or just breaking the monotony. With Empress, creating such quizzes is a breeze.

Creating Your First Interactive Quiz

To begin, navigate to your Empress Dashboard. From there:

  1. Select Quiz from the menu on your lesson page.
  2. In the dialog that appears, click on the Create New button to be redirected to the Quiz List.
  3. If you’re a first-time user, this list will be empty. Click the Add Quiz button to begin.

Filling Out the Quiz Form

Filling out the Quiz Form is the next step. Here’s what’s required:

  • Quiz Title: Give your quiz a recognizable name.
  • Question: Write down the question you want to ask.
  • Type: Choose the format for your question. You can choose between Choices for multiple-choice questions or User Input for open-ended questions.

If You Choose Multiple-Choice Questions…

If you select Choices as your question type, you’ll need to provide:

  • Options: List the choices for your question. Each question should have at least 2 options and maximum 4.
  • Explanation: Explain why an option is correct or incorrect.
  • Is Correct: Check this box to indicate the correct option. A question can have more than one correct answer.

If You Choose Open-Ended Questions…

If you’ve selected User Input as your question type, you’ll need to:

  • Possible Answer: List the possible answers for your question. You can have a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 4 possible answers. The system will compare the learner’s response with these answers.

Adding More Questions to Your Quiz

Adding more questions to your quiz is easy. Click the Add Question button to include additional questions to your quiz.

Saving and Adding the Quiz to Your Lesson

Once you’ve filled out all the necessary information, save your quiz. Your new quiz will now appear in your Quiz List. You can now return to your lesson and add the quiz to it.


Empress Interactive Quizzes are a powerful tool to engage your team or customers, check their understanding of concepts, and make learning fun. They are easy to create and can be easily integrated into your lessons for maximum impact.