Creating Engaging Web Pages with Empress


In the world of digital business, a well-structured, informative website is a must. Empress allows you to create and manage your own web pages with ease, from straightforward static pages to more interactive content. You can create a Home Page, an About Us page, a Contact Us page, Terms and Conditions pages, and more.

Accessing the Web Page Feature

To start creating your own web pages, follow this path:

Home > Website > Web Site > Web Page

How to Create a Web Page

  1. From the Web Page list, click on New.
  2. Input a Title and add your content in the Main Section. A route (the page’s URL) will be automatically created, but you can modify it.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Your web page will be published when the Published option is enabled.

To view your new web page, simply click on See on Website in the sidebar.

Tips for Effective Web Pages


The title of your page is important for search engine optimization. Choose a title that includes key search terms relevant to your audience.


You have the choice of writing your content in Rich Text, Markdown, or HTML. For simpler content pages, Rich Text and Markdown are recommended.


If you’re using Rich Text, you can embed images directly using the editor. For Markdown and HTML, you’ll need to attach the images to the document first.

Special Web Page Features


You can add a Slideshow to your web page for a dynamic visual experience.

Scheduled Publishing

You can schedule your web pages to publish and unpublish automatically by setting a Start Date and End Date. This is useful for time-sensitive content.

JavaScript and CSS

If you want to add a bit of flair to your page, you can add a JavaScript script in the Script section or CSS styling in the Style section.


You can add a Sidebar with custom links on your web page. This is a great way to guide visitors to relevant information.


Enable comments on your web page to engage with your visitors.


You can add a custom HTML for the header section of the page. This allows you to create a unique look and feel for each of your web pages.


Adding a list of breadcrumbs on your web page helps your visitors navigate your site more effectively.

Meta Tags

Adding Meta Tags to your web page can enhance your search engine optimization.

In conclusion, Empress offers a variety of features to create engaging, effective web pages for your business. Remember, the key is to create content that is valuable and relevant to your audience. With Empress, you have all the tools you need to succeed. Happy creating!