Creating Project Templates with Empress for Efficiency


Welcome to the guide on how to create a Project Template in Empress, your trusted business management software. Project Templates are a powerful feature that allows you to streamline your project management process, saving time and reducing manual effort.

What is a Project Template?

A Project Template is a pre-defined sequence of tasks that can be automatically populated whenever you create a new project. This feature is especially beneficial when managing multiple projects of a similar nature.

Accessing the Project Template Feature

To find the Project Template feature in Empress, navigate through the following path:

Home > Projects > Projects > Project Template

Creating a New Project Template

Creating a new Project Template in Empress is as simple as following these steps:

  1. Go to the Project Template List and click on the New button.
  2. Fill in the necessary details in the provided fields:
    • Project Template Name: This should be a descriptive title that represents the purpose of your Project Template and can be easily recognized.
    • Project Type: You can categorize your Project Templates into different types such as ‘Internal’ or ‘External’. Choose the type that best suits your template.
    • Tasks: In this section, you can select the tasks that you wish to include in your template. These tasks will form the pre-defined sequence for your Project Template.

User-Friendly Formatting

While creating your project templates, remember to maintain clarity and readability. Empress supports Markdown (MD) and Mindlify MDX syntax, which allows for advanced formatting such as headings, bold text, and other text styling.


Creating Project Templates in Empress is a powerful feature that can streamline your project management process and increase your efficiency. By pre-defining your tasks and their sequence, you can ensure consistency across similar projects and save valuable time.

As you familiarize yourself with Empress and its features, you can continually refine your templates to better serve your project needs. Remember, a useful project template is comprehensive and clearly defines the tasks and their sequence.

For any further assistance, please refer to our non-technical resources or contact our support team.