Creating Tailored Business Insights with Empress Custom Reports


Empress is a powerful business tool with robust reporting capabilities. One of the most beneficial features, especially for data-driven businesses, is the ability to create Custom Reports. This guide will walk you through the process of creating your own reports, tailored to your specific business needs.

Introduction: The Significance of Custom Reports in Empress

In the fast-paced business world, information is key. The ability to quickly generate, access, and analyze data can give your business a competitive edge. That’s where Custom Reports in Empress come in.

Empress offers three types of reports, each with its own unique features and benefits. Understanding these types will allow you to generate the most suitable reports for your business requirements.

Report Types in Empress

Report Builder

The Report Builder is a user-friendly tool that enables you to create custom reports with ease. This feature is perfect for those who are new to Empress or those who prefer a straightforward, intuitive interface. With the Report Builder, you can:

  • Select specific fields from your form to include in the report
  • Set filters to refine the data displayed
  • Sort data in a particular order
  • Give your report a custom name for easy identification

This feature is best for creating simple yet detailed reports.

Query Report

The Query Report is a more advanced feature, designed for users familiar with SQL (Structured Query Language). This report type pulls data directly from your account’s database, allowing for more complex data analysis. However, to maintain data security, this feature is restricted for Empress cloud users.

You can view an example of a Query Report in the ‘Purchase Order Item to be Received’ report in the Stock module.

Script Report

The Script Report is the most complex report type in Empress. These reports are written in Python and stored server-side, ideal for situations requiring complicated logic and calculations. Due to the server-side nature of these reports, customization from a hosted account isn’t possible.

You can view an example of a Script Report in the ‘Financial Analytics’ report in the Accounts module.

Dynamic Filters

Dynamic Filters are a powerful feature available in Script Reports and Query Reports, but not in the Report Builder. These filters allow you to change the data displayed in a report on-the-go, making your reports more flexible and interactive.

Conclusion: Enhancing Business Processes with Custom Reports

Custom Reports in Empress offer a powerful tool for businesses to access, analyze, and leverage data. Whether you’re a beginner using the Report Builder or a seasoned professional utilizing Query Reports or Script Reports, Empress empowers you to create customized, data-driven reports tailored to your business needs.

For additional non-technical resources or support, please visit the Empress Support Center or contact your Empress representative.