Credit Management

What is it?

The process of granting credit, the terms it’s granted on, and recovering this credit when it’s due.


Credit management refers to the systematic approach businesses use to decide how much credit to extend to a customer and on what terms, as well as the procedures for collecting payments that are due.

Practical Application:

Credit management is a critical function in any business, whether it deals with individual consumers or other businesses. It involves a careful assessment of a customer’s creditworthiness, setting appropriate credit limits, defining clear payment terms, and employing effective debt recovery strategies. Successful credit management ensures that businesses maintain a healthy cash flow, minimize bad debt, and reduce the risk of customer default.

Example/Case Study:

A large retail company could employ credit management by conducting thorough credit checks on new customers before extending them credit. They may also set different credit limits based on the customer’s credit score and payment history. For instance, customers with a good credit score and a history of timely payments may receive a higher credit limit than those with a poor credit history. If a customer fails to pay within the agreed terms, the company could use various debt recovery tactics, such as sending reminder letters, making phone calls, or using a debt collection agency.

Relevance to Empress’s Mission:

Understanding credit management is vital for businesses looking to maintain a healthy balance between sales and cash flow. Empress’s suite of tools and services can aid businesses in this endeavor, offering solutions for credit assessment, setting credit limits, and managing debt collection. By enhancing credit management, businesses can minimize bad debt, improve cash flow, and ultimately, boost their profitability.

Additional Insights:

Effective credit management is not just about preventing bad debt; it’s also about building strong relationships with customers. By setting clear credit terms and managing debt recovery in a professional and respectful manner, businesses can foster trust and loyalty among their customers. This can result in increased sales, higher customer retention rates, and a better reputation for the business. It’s worth noting that credit management strategies may need to be adapted based on various factors, including the type of industry, the business’s size, and the current economic climate.