Customizing and Managing Business Processes with Empress Workflow


Welcome to our easy-to-follow guide on understanding and leveraging the power of Empress Workflow to enhance your business operations. Empress Workflow is a pivotal feature in the Empress software suite that helps you visualize, manage, and streamline your business processes.

Introduction to Empress Workflow

The Empress Workflow provides a clear and visual representation of your business activities, tracking key functions across your company. It is designed to give you a full picture of your operations, making it simpler to manage your processes and identify areas for improvement.

Please Note: While the Empress Workflow covers a broad range of operations, it is not all-encompassing. There may be additional features within Empress that are not represented within the workflow diagram.

Flexibility and Customization with Empress

One of the key strengths of Empress is its flexibility. Not every step in the Empress Workflow is mandatory, and you have the option to skip certain steps based on your unique business needs. This allows you to tailor your workflow, ensuring Empress adapts to your business, not the other way around.

Exploring the Empress Workflow

To view the Empress Workflow:

  1. Open the Empress software.
  2. Navigate to the Empress Workflow section.
  3. Here, you’ll see a comprehensive diagram of your current workflow.

Editing Your Workflow

If you need to edit your workflow:

  1. Navigate to the Empress Workflow section.
  2. Select the part of the workflow you’d like to change.
  3. Make the necessary changes and save.

Sorting and Tracking Information

Empress Workflow also lets you sort and track information based on different parameters, such as date, department, or status. This can help you manage your tasks more efficiently and make informed decisions.

To sort or track information:

  1. Navigate to the Empress Workflow section.
  2. Select the Sort/Track option.
  3. Choose your preferred parameters and apply.

Understanding User Roles and Permissions

Empress Workflow respects your business’s hierarchies and ensures sensitive data is accessible only to those with the necessary permissions. You can easily set user roles and permissions in the User Management section of Empress.

Conclusion and Further Support

The Empress Workflow is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your business processes, offering you a clear, visual, and flexible way to manage your operations. If you need further assistance, please consult our additional resources in the Help and Support section of Empress.

Remember, Empress is a business partner that adapts to your needs, helping you streamline processes, increase efficiency, and drive growth.