Customizing DocTypes for Regional Compliance in Empress


At Empress, we appreciate that every region comes with its own unique set of compliance requirements. To accommodate these variances, we’ve made it possible for you to add custom fields to our standard Document Types (DocTypes). Let’s take a closer look at how you can customize the Item Master, Sales Invoice, and Purchase Invoice DocTypes to meet your specific regional needs.

Customizing the Item Master DocType

The Item Master DocType can be personalized by adding the following fields:

  1. Is Zero Rated: This checkbox allows you to indicate items that are Zero Rated. Simply check this box to mark an item as zero-rated.

  2. Is Exempt: This checkbox is for items that are tax-exempt. Check this box to show that an item is exempt from tax.

Personalizing the Sales Invoice DocType

For the Sales Invoice DocType, consider adding these fields to your form:

  1. VAT Emirate: Select the Emirate of Place of Supply using this dropdown menu. This feature is particularly useful for businesses operating in regions where tax regulations vary between different emirates.

  2. Refund Provided to Tourists: This field allows you to record the Tax Amount refunded to tourists. Simply enter the refunded amount.

Adapting the Purchase Invoice DocType

The Purchase Invoice DocType can be adjusted by adding the following fields:

  1. Recoverable Standard Rated Expense: Enter the Tax Amount that can be recovered in this field. This helps track recoverable taxes accurately.

  2. Reverse Charge Applicable: This feature allows you to choose if the Reverse Charge is applicable. If ‘Y’ is selected, taxes will be set to zero, and a reverse General Ledger (GL) Entry will be created.

  3. Recoverable Reverse Charge (Percentage): Enter the percentage of the Tax Paid under Reverse Charge that is recoverable in this field. This provides a clear image of your potential tax recovery.

By customizing your DocTypes with these fields, you can tailor your Empress system to meet your unique regional compliance requirements. You have the power to create a system that works for your business. Remember, Empress is here to help you every step of the way. For more help, explore our non-technical resources or contact our support team.