Customizing Document Numbering with Empress' Naming Series


Welcome to our guide on how to use the Naming Series feature in Empress. This feature allows you to customize the way your documents are numbered, making it easier to keep track of your records in a manner that suits your business needs.

What is the Naming Series Feature?

The Naming Series feature is a unique tool in Empress that helps you customize the prefix for your document numbers. For example, if you have a Sales Order document and you’ve chosen “SO” as your prefix, your series will be generated as SO-00001, SO-00002, and so on.

Setting the Current Value

In addition to setting prefixes, the Naming Series feature allows you to set the Current Value for your chosen prefix. This is especially helpful if you’re transitioning from an old system to Empress and want your document numbering to continue from where it left off in the previous system.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Navigate to Setup > System > Naming Series.

  2. In the ‘Update Series Section’, select the series you wish to update.

  3. Select the prefix for your document. In our example, the prefix for the Sales Order is “SO”.

  4. The ‘Current Value’ field displays the number of your existing documents. If you currently have 12 Sales Orders, the Current Value will be 12. You can change this number to align with your previous system. In our example, we’ll change the Current Value to 322, and then click ‘Update Series Number’.

With these settings in place, your new Sales Orders will start from #323.

Handling Duplicate Name Errors

You may encounter a “Duplicate Name” error while saving a document. This error occurs when the system tries to assign a number that already exists in your records.

To fix this, you’ll need to synchronize the Current Value for your document’s series with the actual number of existing documents. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Look at the error message to identify the document and series causing the issue. For example, the error message Duplicate name Item Price RFD/00016 shows the Item Price document with the “RFD” series is the source of the error.

  2. Check the document report to find the highest document number.

  3. Navigate to Setup > System > Naming Series.

  4. In the ‘Update Series Section’, select the series causing the error.

  5. Adjust the ‘Current Value’ to reflect the highest document number and click ‘Update Series Number’.

The Naming Series feature is a flexible and powerful tool to help you manage your documents in a way that suits your business. By customizing your document numbering and maintaining the correct Current Value, you can ensure smooth operation and easy record tracking within Empress. For further assistance, please refer to our other user-friendly guides and resources.