Customizing Document Titles: Enhancing Organization in Empress


Welcome to our guide on the Customizing Document Titles feature in Empress. This feature is a valuable tool that allows you to tailor the title of your documents based on specific properties, making it easier to identify and organize your documents. This feature is particularly useful for businesses that have a large number of documents and need a more efficient way to manage them.

Step 1: Understanding the Importance of Customizing Document Titles

As a business user, you may often find yourself dealing with multiple quotations from various customers. By default, Empress assigns the customer’s name as the title of the quotation. If you are dealing with a limited number of customers but sending numerous quotations, having all your quotations titled with the customer’s name can cause confusion. This is where the Customizing Document Titles feature comes in.

Step 2: Setting Up Your Title Fields

Beginning with version 6.0, Empress provides all transactions with a ‘Title’ property. If a title property doesn’t already exist for your document, you can add a Custom Field and designate it as the title. This can be done through the Customize Form feature.

The default value of the title can be set using Python style string formatting in the Default or Options sections.

To modify the default title, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Customize Form feature.
  2. Select the form you want to change the Title Field for.
  3. Edit the Title Field in the form.

Step 3: Defining Your Document Titles

To set your document title, you simply need to specify the document properties you want to use in braces {}. For example, if your document has a field for customer_name, you can designate that as the Title of the Form.

You can also specify a particular field as the ‘Title Field’ in the Customize Form feature.

Step 4: Choosing Between Fixed or Editable Document Titles

If you choose to generate your title as a default title, users can edit it by clicking on the heading of the document.

However, if you prefer a fixed title that can’t be changed by users, you can define this rule in the Options property. With this setting, the title will automatically update each time the document is updated. This ensures consistency and accuracy in your document titles.


The Customizing Document Titles feature is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance your business processes, making it easier to manage and organize your documents. By allowing you to customize your document titles, Empress provides a more efficient and user-friendly way to handle your transactions. For more information or assistance, please refer to our additional non-technical resources or reach out to our support team.