Customizing Field Visibility in Empress Print Format


Welcome to our guide on customizing field visibility in print format in Empress. This feature allows you to personalize your forms and documents by deciding which fields are visible in the standard print format. You might find this feature especially useful when you need to print or view your documents, such as sales orders, and want to ensure all necessary fields are shown.

Introduction to Customizing Field Visibility

In Empress, each transaction comes with a Standard Print Format. By default, this format only shows certain fields. But what if you need to display other specific fields in your print format? Empress offers a solution through the Customize Form tool.

This tool allows you to custom-fit the fields in your standard print format according to your business needs. Let’s say you need to display the Shipping Address field in your Sales Order print format - our step-by-step guide will show you how.

Step-by-step Guide

Step 1: Navigate to Customize Form

To start customizing, you need to find the Customize Form tool. Here is how you get there:

Home > Customization > Form Customization > Customize Form

Step 2: Select Document Type

Next, select the type of document you want to customize. For our example, we will select Sales Order as the Document Type.

Step 3: Disable Print Hide

Now, it’s time to choose which field you want to make visible. Click on the field and disable the Print Hide option.

Step 4: Update and Confirm

Lastly, don’t forget to update the Customize Form tool to save your changes. Once saved, refresh your Empress account, and then check the Print Format to confirm if your changes have been correctly applied.

Enhancing Your Business with Empress

By following these steps, you can flexibly tailor the visibility of specific fields in the Standard Print Format for any document type. This ability to customize your documents ensures that all the necessary information is visible, enhancing your business processes and communication.

Empress is engineered to provide you with the flexibility needed to adapt to your business needs. From tweaking print formats to adjusting workflows or customizing forms, Empress strives to evolve with your business growth.

For additional resources and support, please visit our Empress Help Center or contact our dedicated support team. We’re here to help you make the most of Empress for your business.