Customizing Language Settings in Your Empress Account


Welcome to this easy-to-follow guide on how to set your preferred language in Empress. This feature is especially useful if your business operates in multiple countries or if your team comprises of members who are more comfortable working in their native language.

Feature Name: Language Setting

Functionality: This feature allows you to easily customize the language settings in your Empress account.

Customizing Language in Your Account

Here’s how you can set your preferred language:

Step 1: Navigate to My Settings

Firstly, find and click on My Settings in your account dashboard.

Step 2: Select Your Preferred Language

Next, you’ll see a dropdown menu. Click on it and choose your preferred language.

Step 3: Save Your Changes

After you’ve selected your preferred language, don’t forget to click Save. This will apply the changes, and your Empress account language will be updated to your selection.

If you’re a System Manager, you also have the ability to change the language settings for other users.

Setting a Global Language for an Account

If you want to set a global language for an account, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Navigate to System Settings

From your home page, find and click on Settings, then go to System Settings.

Step 2: Select a Global Language

Choose your preferred global language from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Save Your Changes

Click Save to apply your changes. Once you refresh your Empress account, the language will be updated to your selected global language.

Concluding Remarks

The ability to change language settings is a powerful feature that can enhance your business processes by making them more inclusive and accessible. However, please note that currently translations are only available for some languages.

If you would like to help improve the translation feature or add new languages, we encourage you to contribute to our ongoing efforts to enhance Empress’s multilingual capabilities. For further non-technical support or resources, please visit our help center or contact our support team.

Happy Empressing!