Customizing Link Fields in Empress for Enhanced Data Organization


In Empress, the Link Field feature is a powerful tool that allows you to create connections between different document types. This feature can greatly enhance your business’s data organization and retrieval processes. For example, in a “Sales Order” form, a “Customer” field can serve as a Link Field, directly connecting to the master document for that specific customer.

Step 1: Accessing the Customize Form Section

To begin customizing your Link Fields, first navigate to the Customize Form section. You can do this by following this path:

Home > Customization > Form Customize > Customize Form

Step 2: Selecting Your Form

In the Customize Form section, select the Document Type you wish to modify. Examples of Document Types might include “Quotation”, “Sales Order”, “Purchase Invoice Item”, and so on. After selecting your Document Type, the associated fields will appear in a table.

To add a new Custom Field, identify the field that you want your new one to appear above, then click on “Insert Above.”

Step 3: Setting Up Your Custom Link Field

To set up your new field as a Link field, you’ll need to input specific values:

  1. Label: This will be the name displayed on your form. Choose something descriptive and clear.
  2. Type: Set this to ‘Link’.
  3. Name: This should be a unique identifier for your field.
  4. Options: Here, input the name of the DocType that you want your field to link to.

Adding Filters to Link Fields

Empress allows you to add filters to your Link Fields, making it easier for you to find and sort your data.

Every Link Field within a DocType has an action icon. Clicking on this icon allows you to select the filters that you want to apply. For example, if you have a “Company” field, clicking on the action icon will open a dialog box. Here, you can choose your filters.

After you’ve selected your filters and clicked ‘apply’, your filtered results will appear.

If at any point you want to change your filters, a “Reset To Default” button will appear. Clicking on this will return your filters back to their original settings. But remember, any filters you set in “Customize Form” will override the default filters.

Note: For more advanced users who are comfortable with programming, filters applied through frm.set_query will take precedence over those applied via the User Interface (UI), allowing for custom filter settings.

In conclusion, the Empress Link Field feature is a powerful tool for business users, providing a way to connect, view, and sort data across different document types. This can greatly improve the efficiency of your business processes. For more information or assistance, please refer to our support resources or reach out to our help team.