Customizing Precision Settings in Empress for Accuracy


Welcome to this user-friendly guide on customizing precision settings in Empress. In business operations, accuracy is paramount, especially when it comes to financial and numerical data. This guide will guide you on how to adjust the precision settings, enabling you to set values up to three decimal places by default.

What is Precision in Empress?

In Empress, precision refers to the number of decimal places allowed in Float, Currency, and Percent fields. By default, these fields are set to allow three decimal places, ensuring high accuracy for your financial and numerical data. However, Empress allows you the flexibility to customize this setting globally or for a specific field.

Modifying Global Precision Settings

To adjust the global precision settings, follow these user-friendly instructions:

  1. Start on your Empress home screen.
  2. Select Settings from the main menu.
  3. Click on System Settings.

In System Settings, you will find the option to adjust the global precision. This ensures that all Float, Currency, and Percent fields in Empress will follow the adjusted precision value.

Adjusting Precision for a Specific Field

If you wish to set the precision for a specific field, follow these steps:

  1. Select Customize Form from the main menu.
  2. Choose the DocType for which you want to adjust the precision.
  3. Navigate to the specific field row where you want to make the change.

Please note, the precision field will only be visible if the field type is Float, Currency, or Percent.

By customizing the precision settings in Empress, you have the power to ensure your data is as precise as your business operations require it to be. This can have a significant impact on your business analytics and decision-making processes by providing the most accurate data possible.


Understanding and adjusting the precision setting in Empress is a valuable skill for any business user. It provides you with the capability to maintain high accuracy in your financial and numerical data, which is essential for effective business operations.

For further assistance, please refer to our other non-technical resources or contact our support team. We are here to help you get the most out of your Empress experience.