Customizing Stock Balance Report with Filters in Empress


The Stock Balance Report is a powerful feature within Empress, designed to simplify inventory management and optimize business operations. This report presents a detailed snapshot of your existing stock, including quantities, valuation rates, and total value, all categorized by individual items and their respective locations.

Why Use the Stock Balance Report in Empress

From a business perspective, the Stock Balance Report is more than just a tool for keeping track of inventory. It’s a strategic instrument that helps you:

  • Understand your inventory’s value at any given point.
  • Identify fast-moving and slow-moving items.
  • Make data-backed decisions related to procurement and sales.

Moreover, Empress takes it a step further by offering customization through Filters, allowing you to refine the data according to your needs.

How to Customize Your Stock Balance Report with Filters

Filter By Item

To focus on a specific item:

  1. Go to the Item dropdown menu.
  2. Select the item of your interest.

The report will then show entries only for the chosen item, making it easier to track its quantity, valuation, and total value.

Filter By Location

To focus on a specific location:

  1. Go to the Location dropdown menu.
  2. Select the location of your interest.

The report will then show entries only for the chosen location, making it easier to manage inventory at that location.

Filter By Date Range

To focus on a specific period:

  1. Go to the From Date and To Date filters.
  2. Set the date range of your interest.

The From Date filter sets the starting date for the stock balance calculation. By default, it’s set to one year before the current date. The To Date filter sets the ending date for the stock balance calculation. By default, it’s set to the current date.

Note: If you notice issues with insufficient quantity for backdated inventory entries, you can change the To Date filter to spot future negative quantities.

Concluding Thoughts

Customizing your Stock Balance Report allows you to display the most relevant data for your business needs. By leveraging these filters, you can make data-driven decisions, streamline inventory management, and ultimately drive your business success.

For further help with the Stock Balance Report, or any other features within Empress, refer to the Empress User Guide or reach out to the Empress Support Team.