Customizing Your Empress eCommerce Settings


Welcome to our user-friendly guide on the eCommerce Settings feature of Empress. This feature allows you to customize your online store according to your business needs. Let’s dive in!

Introduction to eCommerce Settings

The eCommerce Settings feature combines the previously separate Shopping Cart Settings and Products Settings into one convenient hub. You can find this feature by typing E Commerce Settings or Webshop Settings in the search bar.

Displaying Products

In the All Products section, you can specify the number of products you’d like to display per page. This allows you to manage how your inventory appears to customers.

Filters and Categories

Improve your product listings by adding filters. There are two types of filters you can add:

  1. Field filters: These allow you to arrange your products into fields, which also function as categories on the Shop by Category page.
  2. Attribute filters: These allow you to filter your product listings by specific attributes.

Display Settings

The Display Settings feature provides several options to customize how your products are presented to customers. These settings include:

  • Hide Variants: Only show the main product, not its variants
  • Enable Variant Selection: Allow customers to filter a product based on its variants
  • Show Price: Display the price of the product
  • Show Stock Availability: Show whether the product is in stock
  • Show Stock Quantity: Display how many of the product are in stock
  • Allow items not in stock to be added to cart: Enable customers to order a product that’s currently out of stock
  • Show Apply Coupon Code: Give customers the option to enter a coupon code at checkout
  • Show Contact Us Button: Allow customers to contact you about a product
  • Show Public Attachments: Make certain attachments visible to customers after they’ve checked out

Shopping Cart Settings

Here, you can configure your shopping cart settings, such as:

  • The Company for which the web shop is configured
  • The Price List that will be used to fetch item prices
  • Enable or disable the Shopping Cart
  • Set the Default Customer Group for auto-created customers

Checkout Settings

The Checkout Settings govern the checkout process. You can:

  • Enable or disable the Checkout feature
  • Set up a Payment Gateway Account using PayPal or Razorpay
  • Specify a Payment Success Url to redirect customers to after successful payment


Enhance your online store with these add-ons:

  • Enable Wishlist: Allow customers to save products for later
  • Enable Reviews and Ratings: Allow customers to review and rate your products
  • Enable Recommendations: Show customers related items that they might be interested in

Shop by Category

The Shop by Category page lists all the categories linked to your products. You can customize these categories in the Field Filters table in the Filters and Categories section.

Guest Display Settings

Specify the following settings for guest users:

  • Hide Price for Guest: Choose whether to display prices for users who are not logged in
  • Redirect on Action: Redirect guest users to a specific URL if they try to add a product to the cart or wishlist

That concludes our guide on the eCommerce Settings feature. This feature provides a variety of customization options to improve your online store’s functionality and user experience, helping you achieve your business goals. For additional support, please refer to the Empress user manual or contact our support team.