Deleting and Restoring Documents with Empress


Welcome to an Empress guide designed for business users. Today, we’re focusing on a feature that is fundamental to managing your business data: Deleting and Restoring Documents.


When it comes to managing your business data on Empress, there may be times when you need to clear out unnecessary or outdated documents. Simultaneously, there might be instances where a deleted document needs to be restored for future reference or auditing purposes.

This guide will guide you through the process of deleting and restoring documents on Empress, helping you keep your data clean, organized, and accessible.

Deleting Documents

Empress enables you to delete both master documents (for example, Items or Customers) and transactional documents (like Sales Orders or Payment Entries). Here’s how:

  1. To delete a single document, find the specific document you want to remove.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu associated with the document.
  3. Select ‘Delete’.

For deleting multiple documents at once, Empress offers a bulk deletion option. Simply select all the records you wish to remove from the List View and delete them in one go.

Note: Empress ensures data integrity by preventing the deletion of documents that require submission post their submission. To delete such a document, first, it needs to be ‘cancelled’.

Restoring Deleted Documents

Accidentally deleted a document? Need an old record for reference? No worries. Empress maintains a list of all deleted documents which can be restored when needed.

To access this list, follow this pathway:

Home > Settings > Data > Deleted Documents

Now, to restore a deleted document:

  1. Navigate to the Deleted Documents List.
  2. Open the document you wish to restore.
  3. Click on the Restore button.

Remember: If the document was cancelled before deletion, it will be restored under a new name.

Keep in mind: Restoration of deleted documents is restricted to users with the System Manager Role. This helps maintain data security by keeping control in the hands of authorized personnel.


The ability to delete and restore documents in Empress provides you with greater control over your business data. It not only helps in maintaining a clean and organized database but also ensures that no critical information is permanently lost.

For further assistance or information, feel free to reach out to our support team or explore our other non-technical resources. Happy managing!