Efficient Data Analysis with Empress Filters


Welcome to this comprehensive guide on utilizing filters in Empress for efficient data analysis. As business users, filters can serve as your best friends in refining the data displayed in your query results. They allow you to focus on specific subsets of data, making your data analysis more precise and effective. In Empress, you can add two types of filters to your queries - Simple Filters and Complex Filters. Let’s dive in to understand how to use these filters.

Simple Filters

Simple Filters are your go-to tool for filtering data based on a single dimension or metric. Follow these easy steps to add a simple filter:

  1. In your Empress interface, find the section labeled ‘Filters’.
  2. Click on the + button to add a new filter.

Now, you can select from a variety of operators to create your simple filter:

  • equals: Matches the column value with a specific value.
  • not equals: Filters the column value that varies from a specific value.
  • greater than: Filters the column value that exceeds a specified value.
  • greater than equal to: Filters the column value that is greater than or same as a given value.
  • less than: Filters the column value that is less than a specific value.
  • less than equal to: Filters the column value that is less than or equal to a given value.
  • is: Checks if the column value exists or not.
  • one of: Matches the column value with any value from a specified list.
  • not one of: Filters the column value that is not among a specified list.
  • between: Filters the column value that lies between two specific values.
  • within: Filters the column value that falls within a specific time range.

Complex Filters

For more intricate data filtering needs, Empress provides Complex Filters. Here are the steps to add a complex filter to your query:

  1. Find the ‘Filters’ section in your Empress interface.
  2. Toggle to the tab labeled Expression.

Now, you’re ready to create more complex filters using a wider range of functions and operators available for Complex Filters. To fully utilize these filters, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with these functions and operators. You can find a complete list of these in the Empress documentation under the ‘Expressions’ section.


Mastering the use of Simple and Complex Filters in Empress can significantly enhance your data analysis process, making it more focused, precise, and efficient. By filtering data based on specific dimensions, metrics, or conditions, you can zero in on the most relevant insights for your business needs. For additional support or resources, consider checking out Empress’s comprehensive, user-friendly documentation or reaching out to our dedicated support team.