Efficient Document Renaming with Empress' Rename Tool


The Rename Tool in Empress is a powerful feature that allows you to change the names of documents in bulk. This can be particularly useful for businesses that need to update their records regularly, or that have undergone changes affecting multiple documents, such as rebranding or restructuring.

Feature Overview

With the Rename Tool, you can:

  • Select the type of document that you wish to rename
  • Upload a .csv file with the old and new names for each document
  • View a log of the renaming process

This tool does the heavy lifting for you, saving you time and effort.

How to Use the Rename Tool

  1. From your Empress dashboard, navigate to the Utilities module and select the Rename Tool.

  2. In the “Select DocType” field, choose the type of document you wish to rename from the dropdown list.

  3. Click on the “File to Rename” field to upload a .csv file. This file should contain two columns: one for the old document names and one for the new document names.

  4. Once the file is uploaded, click on the Start Renaming button.

Empress will then begin the renaming process, and you’ll be able to monitor its progress in the “Rename Log” field.

User Roles and Permissions

In order to use the Rename Tool, users must have the System Manager role. They must also have the following permissions:

  • Create: 1
  • Read: 1
  • Write: 1
  • Share: 1


The Rename Tool in Empress is a valuable feature for businesses, enabling efficient management and updating of documents. By understanding how to use this tool, you can streamline your administrative tasks and keep your records up-to-date with ease.

For more help with the Rename Tool or other features in Empress, visit our support page or contact our customer service team.