Efficient Expense Management with User Permissions Hierarchy


Welcome to this comprehensive guide on an essential feature in Empress: User Permissions Based on Hierarchy. This feature is designed to streamline your business processes by giving specific users (like managers or team leads) the ability to view, track, and approve their team’s expense claims.

Why is This Feature Important?

From a business perspective, managing expense claims can be a difficult task. Ensuring that managers and team leads have access to their team’s expense claims not only maintains transparency, but it also allows for more efficient expense management. This configuration is highly beneficial for those who need to review and approve their team’s expenses.

How Does it Work?

With this feature, employees can view their own expense claims and those of their subordinates. The Empress system establishes an employee hierarchy, providing a clear and easy way to manage expenses.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up User Permissions Based on Hierarchy:

  1. Define the Employee Reporting Structure

    Start by specifying who each employee reports to in the Employee master. This first step is crucial as it establishes your business’s employee hierarchy within the Empress system.

  2. Link the User with the Employee

    The next step is to link the user with the employee. By performing this action, you’re automatically creating a user permission. This permission allows the employee to review their own documents created in the HR module, as well as the documents created for those who report to them.

  3. Configure Expense Claim Accessibility

    With the above settings in place, when a user (who reports to a certain employee) creates an Expense Claim, the superior employee will also be able to access and review it.

Please Note: Be sure to update the senior employee’s ID in the ‘Reports To’ field in the Employee master for those who report to them. After this is done, managers will be able to view expense claims and other documents (like Leave Application, Appraisal, etc.) made by their subordinates.


By using the User Permissions Based on Hierarchy feature, you can ensure that your management team has access to the necessary documents, enabling them to efficiently review and approve their team’s expenses. This feature not only helps in maintaining transparency but also allows for a more efficient expense management process within your organization. For further assistance or to access additional resources, please refer to our Support section.