Efficient Inventory Management with Empress Warehouse Feature


Welcome to our in-depth guide on how to manage your business’s warehouses using Empress. We aim to guide you through this feature’s functionality in a user-friendly manner, focusing on the user interface and practical applications.

Introduction: The Importance of Warehouses in Empress

In the business world, warehouses or storage locations are crucial for storing goods and materials. They are used by a range of businesses, including manufacturers, importers, exporters, wholesalers, transport businesses, and customs.

In Empress, the concept of a ‘Warehouse’ goes beyond just a physical building. It refers to an entire hierarchy of storage locations. For example, you could create a ‘sub-Warehouse’ that represents a specific shelf within your warehouse. This detailed structure allows for precise inventory management and tracking.

Accessing the Warehouse List

To view your list of warehouses in Empress, follow this path: Home > Stock > Settings > Warehouse

Creating a Warehouse

Creating a new warehouse in Empress is a straightforward process. Here’s how:

  1. Go to the Warehouse list and click on the ‘New’ button.
  2. Enter a name for your new Warehouse.
  3. Set or verify the Parent Warehouse. If you check the ‘Is Group’ option, you can create sub-Warehouses under this Warehouse.
  4. Click ‘Save’ to store your new Warehouse.

Each Warehouse is saved with its respective company’s abbreviation for easy identification.

Additional Options When Creating a Warehouse

When creating a Warehouse, you can also set a default account and classify the Warehouse type. Here’s how:

  • Account: Set a default account for all transactions involving this Warehouse. This allows all transactions from this Warehouse to be displayed in the Accounting Ledger.

  • Warehouse Type: You can classify Warehouses by creating different Warehouse Types, such as Supplier Warehouses, Stock Warehouses, WIP Warehouses, Rooms, etc. This is useful for generating reports or executing certain stock transactions.

Adding Address and Contact Details

You can add different types of addresses for each Warehouse, like Billing and Shipping addresses. You can also add contact details, such as the Warehouse Manager’s information.

Warehouse Features

Once you’ve created a Warehouse, you’ll have access to several useful features:

  • Stock Balance: This report shows the quantity, valuation, and balance of stock in the Warehouse.
  • General Ledger: This feature opens the General Ledger to display all accounting transactions involving the Warehouse.
  • Non-Group to Group: This button allows you to convert a Non-Group Warehouse (one that cannot contain other Warehouses under it) into a Group Warehouse.

Tree View

For a visual representation of all your group and child Warehouses, switch to the ‘Tree’ View.

Warehouse Account

In Empress, if you enable Perpetual Inventory, every Warehouse must be linked to a specific company to maintain company-wise stock balance. Each Warehouse should also be linked with an Account in the Chart of Accounts. This account represents the monetary value of the goods or materials stored in that specific Warehouse.

If you have a detailed Warehouse Tree, it’s usually best to link the sub-locations (room, row, shelf, etc.) to the account of the actual Warehouse (the root Warehouse of that Tree).

Summary: Enhancing Your Business Process

In conclusion, the Warehouse feature in Empress provides a detailed structure for your storage locations, allowing for precise inventory management and tracking. By using this feature, you can view, edit, sort, and track information about your warehouses all in one place.

For more help or information about this feature, consult the Empress support resources or get in touch with our customer service team.