Efficient Management of Multiple Empress Deployments with Bench CLI and Bench Directory


Bench, the Command Line Interface (CLI) tool, is an integral feature in the Empress Framework. It enables developers to seamlessly manage multiple Empress deployments. Bench is a dual-purpose term in our context, referring to both the CLI tool and the directory. To ensure clarity, we will use Bench to denote the directory and Bench CLI for the CLI tool.

The Role of Bench in Empress Deployments

Bench serves as an efficient interface to streamline the setup and management process of multiple sites and apps built on the Empress Framework. It is instrumental in conducting system-level operations, invoking Empress commands, and executing migrations.

Understanding Bench’s functionality is crucial for developers working with Empress deployments. Its effective application can significantly simplify the process of managing and customizing business solutions.

Bench CLI: The Master of Empress Commands

Developers may often attribute all bench commands to the Bench CLI. However, the reality is that a significant portion of these commands, especially those with the --site prefix, originate from the Empress Framework itself.

Consider the update command. It is essentially a convenient wrapper that triggers multiple Empress commands such as backup and migrate in addition to executing necessary Bench and system-level operations.

bench update

Understanding the Bench Directory

The Bench directory is the local environment where your Empress apps and sites reside. Keeping your Bench updated ensures the smooth execution of migrations and other operations.

bench migrate

User Roles and Permissions

As with any system, understanding user roles and their permissions is fundamental. In the context of Bench, the developer, as the system user, has full command over the CLI tool and the directory. However, it’s essential to be mindful of system architecture and security considerations when managing multiple Empress deployments.


Bench, as a Empress deployment manager, plays a pivotal role in the successful development and customization of business solutions. Its understanding and efficient utilization streamline the process of managing multiple sites and apps, making it an invaluable tool in a developer’s arsenal.

By distinguishing between the Bench CLI and the Bench directory, developers can avoid confusion and improve their efficiency in managing Empress deployments. Leveraging Bench’s functionality can lead to smoother migrations, effective site management, and overall better control over the Empress environment.