Efficient Site Upgrade Scheduling with Empress Dashboard



Welcome to your guide to scheduling your site’s version upgrades directly from the dashboard in Empress. This feature allows you to plan and implement upgrades efficiently, ensuring your Empress-based site is always up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of scheduling your site’s upgrades. This feature is an integral part of maintaining and managing your business operations on Empress, as it helps you keep your site running smoothly and optimally.

Scheduling Upgrades for Sites on Private Benches

To schedule upgrades for sites on private benches, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new bench for your site to upgrade to. For instance, if your site is currently on v14 and you wish to upgrade to v15, you would need to create a v15 bench with all the apps your site uses installed. You can learn how to create a new bench here.

  2. Select ‘Upgrade Version’ from the dropdown menu. This option is located within the settings for your site.

  3. Choose the bench you want to upgrade to. The system will automatically validate your choice. If there is no common server between your site and the target bench, you will need to add your site’s server to the bench.

  4. Click ‘Upgrade’ to schedule the version upgrade. If a common server exists between your site and the target bench, simply click ‘Upgrade’. The version upgrade will be conducted at the scheduled time. If you want to initiate the upgrade immediately, leave the schedule untouched.

Scheduling Upgrades for Sites on Public Benches

To schedule upgrades for sites on public benches, follow these steps:

  1. Select ‘Upgrade Version’ from the dropdown menu. This option is located within the settings for your site.

  2. Click ‘Upgrade’ if your site is not on the latest version. If your site isn’t currently using the latest version, simply click ‘Upgrade’ to initiate the upgrading process.


Scheduling your site’s upgrade directly from the dashboard in Empress is a powerful feature that enables more efficient management of your site. By keeping your site updated with the latest versions, you ensure that your business operations run smoothly and benefit from the latest features and improvements.

For additional resources or support, please visit our help center. Our team is ready to assist you with any questions you may have about using Empress to enhance your business processes.