Efficient Transaction Tracking with Empress Number Series


In the business world, organization is key. The Number Series feature in Empress is designed to help you maintain a neat and ordered system for your transactional records. Think of this feature as a digital filing cabinet that neatly arranges your documents by a specific naming scheme.

Why is Number Series Important?

In the course of running a business, you’ll likely generate a wide range of transactional entries, such as sales invoices, purchase invoices, payments, and journal entries. Keeping track of these transactions can be a daunting task. Here’s where the Number Series feature comes in handy.

This feature allows you to group transactions of a similar kind under a specific Number Series. By doing this, you can quickly locate, review, and manage your business transactions, ensuring efficient record-keeping.

How to Use the Default Number Series

Empress comes pre-equipped with a default Number Series for each type of transactional entry. Here’s a glimpse at what these look like:

  • Sales Invoice: SINV-
  • Purchase Invoice: PINV-
  • Payment: PAY-
  • Journal Entry: JE-

These default series are automatically selected when you create a new transaction. However, if you need a more customized approach, Empress allows you to create a new Number Series that suits your unique business needs.

Remember: You cannot alter the Number Series of a transaction once it’s saved.

Steps to Create a New Number Series

Creating a custom Number Series in Empress is a simple and straightforward process. Follow these steps to create your own:

  1. Find the Number Series field on the form for the transactional entry.
  2. Enter your preferred Number Series in the provided field.
  3. Click ‘Create’.

After clicking ‘Create’, you’ll be redirected to the Number Series Quick Edit Form. Here, you can tweak the details of your new Number Series. Once done, click ‘Save’, and voila! Your new Number Series is ready for use.

Understanding Number Series Fields

The structure of a Number Series is determined by what you enter into the following fields:

  1. Prefix: This is the base prefix used in the number series. For example, ‘SINV-’.
  2. Reference Type: This refers to the kind of transaction the Number Series applies to.
  3. Start: This is the number assigned to the first entry in the Number Series.
  4. Pad Zeros: This refers to the number used as padding for the numerical part of the Number Series.

For instance, if you set the Name as ‘SALES-PAY-’, the Start as 0, and Pad Zeros as 3, the Number Series values for your transactions would look like this: ‘SALES-PAY-000’, ‘SALES-PAY-001’, ‘SALES-PAY-002’, ‘SALES-PAY-003’, and so on.


In short, the Number Series feature in Empress is a valuable tool for systematic naming and easy retrieval of your transactional entries. It’s all about making data management as seamless and efficient as possible. For further assistance or resources, feel free to reach out to Empress support or browse the help documentation on our website.