Efficiently Adjusting Pricing with Empress's Apply Discount Feature


Welcome to this user-friendly guide on how to apply discounts in Empress. Empress offers a versatile feature for applying discounts to individual items or entire sales transactions. This feature is crucial for adjusting pricing strategies, promoting sales, and accommodating customer needs, forming an integral part of everyday business operations.

Feature Name: Apply Discount

The Apply Discount feature allows you to apply discounts as either a fixed amount or a percentage. It’s important to note that you can apply these discounts to individual items based on their Price List Rate or to the Net Total or Grand Total of a sales transaction.

Applying Discount on Price List Rate of an Item

  1. Navigate to the Item table of a transaction. You can find this by clicking on the downward arrow on the right-hand side of a row in the transaction list.
  2. Look for the Discount field. Here, you can input your discount as either a percentage or a fixed amount. This will adjust the Price List Rate of the item accordingly.

If you need to apply a percentage discount consistently for certain quantities, consider using the Pricing Rule. You can find more information about this in the Empress documentation on “Pricing Rule”.

Applying Discount on Net Total or Grand Total

  1. Locate the “Additional Discount” section. You can find this in both “Sales Order” and “Sales Invoice” transaction types.
  2. Here, you can input your discount as a fixed amount or a percentage. This will apply the discount to the total sum of the Sales.

Applying Discount on “Net Total”

If you choose to apply a discount on the Net Total, the item’s Net Rate and Net Amount will be calculated based on the Discount Amount. The Net Rate and Amount fields will only be visible if a discount is applied using this feature.

Applying Discount on “Grand Total”

If you apply a discount on the Grand Total, the item’s Net Rate, Net Amount, and applicable taxes are all recalculated according to the Discount Amount.


Empress’s Apply Discount feature provides a simple way to adjust pricing strategies, catering to different business needs. Whether you’re applying a percentage or a fixed amount, to a single item or the total sum of a transaction, this feature enhances your ability to manage pricing efficiently.

For further guidance or support, please refer to the Empress documentation or contact our customer support team. Happy discounting!