Efficiently Categorize and Manage Projects with Empress


The Project Type feature in Empress is a powerful tool that allows you to categorize, track, and manage different types of projects within your organization. This feature is crucial for business users who need to oversee various projects, ensuring each project aligns with its respective type’s standards and requirements.

Functionality and Benefits

The Project Type feature allows you to:

  • Create and categorize project types: Define various project types relevant to your business operations, such as marketing campaigns, IT developments, or HR initiatives.
  • Add descriptions: Provide detailed descriptions for each project type to ensure clarity and understanding among team members.
  • Track and manage: Keep track of different project types and manage them efficiently with Empress’s user-friendly interface.

How to Use the Project Type Feature

Viewing Project Types

To view the list of project types:

  1. Navigate to the Projects module.
  2. Select Project Type from the drop-down menu.

Creating a New Project Type

To create a new project type:

  1. Click on the New button in the top right corner.
  2. Fill in the Project Type field with the name of the new project type.
  3. Add a Description to provide more details about the project type.
  4. Click Save to store the new project type.

Editing a Project Type

To edit a project type:

  1. Select the project type you want to edit from the list.
  2. Make the necessary changes in the Project Type or Description fields.
  3. Click Save to apply the changes.

User Roles and Permissions

Empress offers different permission levels to ensure secure and efficient project management:

  • System Manager: Can create, delete, and edit all project types.
  • Projects Manager: Can create, delete, and edit all project types.
  • Projects User: Can view all project types but cannot create, delete, or edit them.


The Project Type feature in Empress is a vital tool for organizing and managing your business projects. It helps streamline project operations, ensuring that everyone on the team understands the nature and requirements of each project type.

For additional help or resources, please refer to the Empress User Guide or contact our support team for further assistance.