Efficiently Creating, Duplicating, and Deleting Empress Entries


In the Empress system, there are various entries you might find yourself dealing with on a daily basis. These include regular entries such as Items, Party, and Taxes, which do not directly affect any account’s balance. This guide will guide you through the process of creating, duplicating, and deleting these entries.

Creating a New Entry

To create a new entry:

  1. Navigate to the corresponding page. For example, to create a tax entry, go to Setup > Taxes.

  2. On the desired page, look for the blue + button and click on it. This action will open the Quick Edit Form where you can enter the information for your new entry.

  3. After completing the form, click on the blue Save button. Your entry will be saved and ready for use in transactions.

Duplicating an Entry

If you need to create a copy of an existing entry:

  1. Click on the menu button and select the Duplicate option. This action will create a draft entry that is not yet saved.

  2. Modify the values as needed, then click on Save. Your duplicated entry is now saved and ready for use in transactions.

Deleting an Entry

If you need to remove an entry from the system:

  1. Click on the menu button and select the Delete option.

Please note, entries that have been used in transactions cannot be deleted. In order to delete these entries, you must first delete the transactions that they are used in.


Understanding how to manage entries in Empress can streamline your business operations and make the management of your financial data more efficient. Whether you’re creating a new entry, duplicating an existing one, or deleting an entry, this guide provides the necessary steps to complete these tasks effectively. For further assistance, don’t hesitate to explore other Empress guides or reach out to our support team.