Efficiently Customizing Empress CRM Settings for Businesses


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to configure CRM Settings in Empress, designed specifically for business users. Empress’ CRM Settings are a one-stop solution for defining all your pre-sales processes. The configurations you set here apply to all your CRM records, providing a consistent approach to managing leads, opportunities, and quotations.

Accessing CRM Settings

To get started, navigate to CRM Settings in your Empress account. Here’s the path:

Home > CRM > Settings > CRM Settings

Managing Your Leads

In the Empress CRM, leads play a key role. Here are some features you might find helpful in managing your leads:

1. Allowing Duplicates Leads Based on Email Addresses: Empress allows you to create multiple leads with the same email address. This can be useful when the same individual shows interest in different products or services at different times.

2. Scheduling Events Based on Next Contact Date: This feature helps you never miss a follow-up with a lead. Empress will automatically schedule an event on the date you’re supposed to contact the lead next.

3. Auto-Creation of Contacts: When you create a new lead, Empress will automatically create a contact record linked to that lead. This helps streamline your record management and tracking process.

Handling Opportunities

Opportunities in CRM represent potential sales deals. Here are a couple of features that can make managing them easier:

1. Auto-Closing Opportunities: Empress can automatically close opportunities that have a status other than ‘Open’ after a certain number of days. This helps keep your opportunity list neat and focused.

2. Scheduling Events Based on Next Contact Date: Similar to leads, Empress will auto-create an event for the next contact date for an opportunity. This ensures all follow-ups are tracked and executed on time.

Setting Quotation Parameters

Quotations are key documents in your pre-sales process. Empress offers some handy customizations here:

1. Setting Default Quotation Validity Period: Quotations have a set validity period. By default, Empress sets the ‘Valid Till’ date as 30 days from the quotation’s posting date. You can adjust this period to suit your business needs.

Additional CRM Settings

Beyond leads, opportunities, and quotations, Empress offers a few more customizable features:

1. Campaign Naming Convention: You can customize how your campaign records are named. By default, a campaign is saved with its Campaign Name.

2. Contract Naming Convention: You can also customize the naming convention for contract records. The default setting saves a contract with its Party Name.

3. Transferring Communications and Comments: When you convert a lead into an opportunity, or an opportunity into a quotation, Empress can automatically copy all emails and comments from the original record. This ensures all relevant information follows the sales process.

In conclusion, Empress’ CRM Settings offer a range of features to streamline and customize your pre-sales processes. With these settings adjusted to your needs, you can ensure your team operates efficiently and effectively. For more help, please refer to our Empress User Guide or contact our Support Team.