Efficiently Importing Data with Opening Invoice Creation Tool


The Opening Invoice Creation Tool is a useful feature in Empress that simplifies the process of importing data related to outstanding Purchase or Sales Invoices. This feature is particularly beneficial when the Item data isn’t crucial, and you’re more focused on importing the outstanding balances related to Customers or Suppliers into Empress.

How to Access the Opening Invoice Creation Tool

To get to the Opening Invoice Creation Tool, follow this path:

Home > Accounting > Opening and Closing > Opening Invoice Creation Tool

How to Import Opening Invoices

To import opening invoices, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the Company for which you want to import opening balances.
  2. Select the type of Invoice Type. Selecting Sales or Purchase will generate Sales Invoices or Purchase Invoices correspondingly.
  3. Check the “Create Missing Party” box. By doing this, the system creates customers or suppliers automatically if they don’t exist yet, using the name provided in the Party column.

The next step is to complete the Invoices table. This table includes the following fields:

  • Party: Here, you can select an existing Customer/Supplier or enter the name of a new one. The system will create it automatically.
  • Posting Date: This is the date when the invoice is recorded.
  • Due Date: This is the date when the invoice will be considered overdue.
  • Item Name: (Optional) If an item name is entered here, it will be shown in the invoice item table.
  • Outstanding Amount: This refers to the outstanding amount of the invoice.
  • Invoice Number: This is the invoice number as it appears in the previous system. If this field is empty, the Empress naming series will be used.

Tip: You can download an Excel sheet by clicking the download button. Fill in the sheet with the relevant data. If you’ve downloaded the Excel sheet, use the Upload button to upload it. Once you upload the sheet, the table will be populated with the correct data rows. This tool makes the process of importing opening invoices into Empress as simple and efficient as possible.


The Opening Invoice Creation Tool in Empress is a powerful feature that facilitates the process of importing outstanding Purchase or Sales Invoices data. It’s a critical tool for businesses that need a user-friendly and efficient solution for managing their invoices. The feature’s ability to create missing parties and auto-populate fields, in addition to its compatibility with Excel, ensure that businesses can handle their invoices with ease. For further assistance, refer to additional resources or reach out to our support team.